Sunday, March 12, 2006


wow, a month since my last post - the novelty of having a blog must have worn off!! actually, it's just been one of those months, where the motivation level was faltering and that seemed to translate into all aspects of my life, including updating the blog. i'm kinda back on track; the idea of exams rolling around has scared me to some extent, but then it's so easy to not stay focused. my program has 100% finals which means coursework and essays, though mandatory, count for nothing. no motivation + no marks = some of the crappiest essays i may have ever produced. i feel guilty for going out, knowing that i'm behind on reading (and if not reading, then understanding), but then i sit at my desk for hours and get more frustrated at the fact that i've still not accomplished anything. anyway, if i haven't been studying, then what have i been doing? i've been meeting more people, doing some volunteer work, reading novels, playing spider solitaire - doing things that are all equally important in life! i promise to update more frequently, if for no other reason, than to procrastinate. stay tuned.


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